In this article I introduce you with the fundamental theorem of poker. You get to know the theorem itself as well as typical misunderstandings regarding its interpretation for practical play.
In this article I will discuss with you the topic Bankroll Management (BRM). I will explain the importance of a suitable bankroll management and answer the questions about how much money you need to play poker and with which bankroll you can move up to the next higher limit or rather relegate.
In this article you will learn the answer to a frequently asked question, how much can you actually earn with poker?
But first of all a warning: A final answer to this question is simply not possible, but I will show you which aspects you should consider regarding the winning potential, how you can determine the potential profit and of course also show some scenarios, what is possible in principle and where the limits are.
In this article you will learn about one of the most important concepts for successful poker play, the so-called Odds & Outs and the Pot Odds. You will learn how to determine whether a bet or call tends to be profitable for you or a losing play.
In this article you’ll learn how to make your first decisions on the flop in No-Limit Texas Holdem, how to minimize your own mistakes and still play a versatile and aggressive poker.