Poker Essays

Strategy, Mindset and Examples in Theory and Practice
  • In this article you will learn the importance of position at the poker table for your game.

    • You are in position (IP) to an opponent when it’s your turn after him.
    • Your opponent has position on you when it is your turn in before him – you are out of position (OOP).

  • Today, I’m going to discuss with you the four basic principles behind successful No Limit Texas Holdem play. These principles are so fundamental that they can be found in almost every form of poker. The four principles are …

  • In this article I would like to take a critical look at the listings and charts of starting hands in Texas Holdem Poker. The goal of the article is not to discourage the use of charts. Rather, the aim is to show you how to use the charts, to sharpen your understanding of the game, to analyze it off the tables and to develop strategies for situations in which the charts do not help you.

  • In this article you will learn one of the standard concepts in No Limit Texas Hold’em Poker. This concept is so important that even David Sklansky spent a whole chapter on it in his classic The Theory of Poker – the so-called freecard.

  • In this article I introduce you with the fundamental theorem of poker. You get to know the theorem itself as well as typical misunderstandings regarding its interpretation for practical play.